Why Business Leaders Need PR

I recently had a call with a Founder/CEO of a multi-million a month company who complained of the need to constantly prove himself in first introductions with major industry players.

This surprising admission came after we had discussed his background – from serving his country to founding a business that quickly grew to #4 on the Inc 5,000 list a couple years after launch – this CEO not only had a great American success story but was also frequently invited to Washington D.C. to weigh in on the benefits and pitfalls of ecommerce before Congress.

Yet. When meeting with future partners in the supply chain, he found himself explaining who he was and why he was important enough to warrant the meeting. One hundred percent of the time his self-sales pitch never failed to impress, and the decision-makers would proceed with the deal eagerly. Great, right?

Not so much. He asked me “Why are these other companies who are marketing-over-profits (and maybe never will turn a profit) getting all the attention? Their CEOs are prominently featured in every WSJ article and invited on Squawk or Mad Money and they aren’t proven viable!”

The answer to his question is as simple as it is intangible. In the ecommerce world of data and customer conversions it’s often easy to roll your eyes at PR. If your stuff is selling and you can track what’s working, why invest in PR? Afterall, everyone knows you can’t really measure it.

I won’t get into all the benefits of PR in terms of the sales-marketing funnel. Way more people have written better pieces on the topic, but I will breakdown why even a small local business owner should invest in PR.

  • Reputation, like branding, is all about perception and, as with branding, you can and should build your reputation strategically. It may feel awkward to hire a PR firm to literally build your local/national/international reputation through calculated communications strategies and thought leadership PR but your competitors are doing it and they are taking your place at the table.
  • Life gets easier when people know you by reputation. They are asking for meetings and interviews, not the other way around. There is no more need to explain who you are and why you’re important (one less thing, right 🙂
  • You have an automatic platform for your company news. Guess what? When no one’s heard of you or your company it’s hard to get media or consumers to care about your news. When you’re well known, it doesn’t matter how small your news, it will be shared and celebrated.
  • You attract employees. If you live in a rural area, you can actually boost the local economy by attracting and hiring fresh transplants.
  • You get awards. You get on business 500 and 5,000 lists; you get named Entrepreneur of the Year and make your employees proud (‘I work for the Entrepreneur of the Year!’)
  • This one is most important in my humble opinion. You inspire people. You accept the award because you’ve earned it but be sure to let people know it’s possible for them to be in your shoes one day. Explain your failures and hardships. To me, that ability to propel people forward filled with hope and admiration, is the true power of PR.

To wrap up, I want to share a quick success story about one of our longest client partnerships (indeed since 2011).

When we started working with the founder of an organic baby food brand she had just pulled off the feat of parlaying her baby food offering from her local farmer’s market to a huge national retail chain with absolutely no retail experience (or experience running a business with employees and partners).

She had to learn fast and at the same time she recognized the value of being the face of the company. She was a real mom who wants to feed her babies real food that she would eat herself and took action. Within a year she was featured in every parenting and business magazine, in all the national daily news sites, in the popular blogs and on morning shows. She guest judged on Dragon’s Den, mentored startup founders at a competitive accelerator, got paid to speak internationally to tell her story and her company made many millions because of the trust from one mom to another.

Today she is CEO of three brands – from baby to teenager – and has helped inspire many would-be entrepreneurs by not sugarcoating the bumps in the road, speaking honestly about the hustle needed, and the power of humbling herself to all our PR advice 🙂

Social Enterprises Should Be Prioritizing PR & Marketing During the Pandemic

Chaos is a ladder” – Littlefinger, Game of Thrones

It may seem counterintuitive but now is the time for social enterprises and nonprofits to put some muscle behind their Earned, Owned and Paid Marketing efforts.

While many for-profits and small business are (understandably) minimizing their marketing runway and ad spending in an effort to stay afloat during Covid19, social enterprises are generally used to operating on an often shoestring budget when it comes to…. well, everything. It’s time to take advantage of the ad vacuum lack of competition to raise brand awareness, make money through digital channels and capitalize on a captive audience.

In this article I’ll breakdown quick tips and strategies for marketing your goods and services digitally to a national audience, and locally to your dynamic community.

National Campaigns

Even in 2020 many of our social enterprise clients still consider online selling a distant second to bricks-and-mortar or fundraising/donor dollars. That said, if there is any silver lining to the pandemic for nonprofits, it could be the forced catalyst needed to prioritize a shift to digital.

People are increasingly looking to support worthy nonprofits with their wallets, going out of their way to buy gift cards and products online. And now more than ever, they are responding to ads that show a real need. Acknowledging this, an Adtaxi survey found that 68% of people find it helpful when ads show regard of the current scenario and 62% know that brands mean well.

While many brands are pulling advertising across all mediums, we’re advising clients on a shoestring to create and share simple yet targeted social ads as an inexpensive way to let people know they would be supporting a great cause by buying your products or gift cards at this time.

Social ads are also a great way to increase your social followers and build the foundation for future selling. Adtaxi found that “more significantly, 53% plan to do more of their shopping online after the crisis is over.” Now is the time to start flexing your online muscle while targeting new consumers.

You have a captive audience. According to ClickZ, people are spending anything between 3 to 7 hours on social media in a day. This is your opportunity to pivot your owned social media content and increase PR outreach to further grow your audiences and position for present and future selling.

One of our CPG clients began sharing tips for entertaining kids at home and started hosting #LivingRoomDanceParties on their social channels every Friday, encouraging fans to tag them in fun videos of their own for a chance to win product. If possible consider offering a contest to your fans every once in awhile. People love receiving a prize and contests are huge engagement spikers. We recommend using the contest to share your mission and ask your audience which charities they support or what is important to them during this time.

Don’t forget to add trending hashtags to each post such as #inthistogether #keepingitreal #yougotthis #stayhome #Covid19

As the top of the sales funnel, PR is more important than ever. Media are interested in hearing from businesses on how they changed their protocols to protect their teams. They want to write about companies with a purpose who are finding creative ways to raise funds or are willing to speak to their unique struggles during this time. Simply, many are writing on how consumers can support nonprofits, especially on a local level.

Local Campaigns

Many of Remark’s social enterprise clients are already leading authorities in raising awareness in their local communities, so we’ll keep this part brief. All we’ll say here is be sure to save some social ad budget to target your local demographics and make sure to emphasize how your nonprofit is helping the local community. Reach out to local press and ask them to share how consumers can support your organization.

The need to celebrate local businesses and nonprofits during this tumultuous time has never been more strongly felt on a global level.

In Summary: BRAND

Build brand awareness and social audiences through increased Earned, Paid and Owned Media

Reap the benefits of an engaged online audience and the increase in online sales it brings in the present and future

Advertise your mission and need

Nonprofits are uniquely primed to break through the clutter on shoestring budgets

Digital selling is the future

Gifts That Give Back: Remark Social Clients’ Holiday Gift Guide

Every year many of us face the same obstacles around the holidays. What do you get the person who can afford to buy herself everything she wants? Or the person who doesn’t really like…well, stuff? I don’t know about you but I find it stressful to waste my hard earned money on something that at best may be re-gifted.

We’re here to let you in on a little fail-safe secret: go for a gift that gives back and you will never have to worry about it’s reception. A generic candle is no longer a cop-out when it’s creation owes to the employment and shelter of homeless, adolescent moms (as is the case with the hand poured candles from Bright Endeavors).

Below are 10 gifts that give back (and we are lucky to call these amazing enterprises clients!)

1. Packed with Purpose: PwP is a gifting company that is embedding Purpose into their gifts that give back. Each Packed with  Purpose gift box contains handcrafted products & goodies curated from non-profits and social enterprises that employ people with disabilities & other barriers to the traditional workforce. Purchase directly at: https://shop.packedwithpurpose.gifts/collections/all-gifts

2. Lindy’s & Co: Lindy & Co Gourmet Dog Treats may arguably make the most important dog treats you can purchase! The social enterprise employs homeless youth to produce their line of healthy homemade dog treats – with 100% of the proceeds going towards sheltering street youth. Created by Daybreak – a nonprofit organization that provides emergency shelter, outreach programs, transitional housing, and other vital services to the Dayton, OH homeless and transient youth population.

3. BeeLoveBuzz: Beelove employs formerly incarcerated people work with urban hives to produce its organic honey skincare line. Buy this amazing skincare line directly at: https://beelovebuzz.com/collections/all

4. Bright Endeavors: 100% of their hand crafted, sustainable soy candles sales benefit their mission to empower young moms, their kids, and Chicago communities. Check out their gift sets! https://brightendeavors.org/product-category/gift-sets/

5. Women’s Bean Project: Women’s Bean puts women with backgrounds ranging from organized crime to histories of incarceration and addiction to work learning gourmet food production. Shop their premium gift baskets for that very special someone on your list! https://www.womensbeanproject.com/product-category/premium-gift-baskets/

6. The Mile High WorkShop: MHW is a Denver-based manufacturer and job-training non-profit skilled in wood working, sewing, laser etching, packaging & distribution. Check out their workshop goodies here: https://www.milehighworkshop.org/everything/

7. Central City Coffee: Look no further than this must-have stocking stuffer! Portland’s Central City Coffee is a social enterprise employing Portland’s most vulnerable – at-risk single mothers – and putting them to work roasting and distributing delicious craft coffees. Order all if it online: https://centralcitycoffee.org/

8. dfrntpigeon: an artsy apparel brand run by Portland’s marginalized youth, order these street art inspired Tees for everyone on your list! http://www.dfrntpigeon.com/

9. Net Effects: Net Effects is a socially responsible accessories brand which is focused on providing trade not aid to disenfranchised women in Cambodia and training them as artisans to produce beautiful, zero-waste bags & totes. All Net Effects bags and totes are constructed from recycled materials including repurposed remnants and end pieces of agricultural and industrial netting! https://neteffectstraders.com/

10. More Than Words: for the book lover on your list, look no further than this social enterprise that hires homeless, at-risk youth and youth in the foster care system aged 16-24 yrs old and trains them to take charge of their lives by taking charge of a business selling gently pre-used books both in-store (Boston) and online.

The New PR 101: Don’t Confuse Influencers With Journalists

The New PR 101: Don’t Confuse Influencers With Journalists

How scammers are taking advantage of the changing media landscape to blur the lines of journalistic integrity

One of my favorite things about human nature is our ability to adapt and evolve. In the PR industry, our evolution has been predicated mostly by the changing media landscape starting with the switch from print to digital that began almost two decades ago (and a little bit by Google Analytics). The latter topic I’ll save for another article because what I really want to focus on in this piece is how we, as Media Relations professionals, have adapted to the era of the Influencer.

While often owned by social media and/or PR teams, the influencer isn’t necessarily a blogger or a writer or even a professional photographer. Often this person has developed and grown a successful brand for themselves on a social platform. As a crazy pug person, I’ll offer up Doug the Pug as an example of this.

Sometimes, it seems like the era of the social media influencer, similarly to the era of the blogger circa 2007, has become a Wild West free-for-all while lawmakers and key players in the space struggle to catch up. What standards and responsibilities fall to Joe Smith with a large Instagram following when he shares a picture of his favorite beer brand? He may have been paid by the brand or he may just be sharing his happy hour beverage of choice.

Is it common practice for PR and social media representatives to pay an influencer to post about a brand? Yes. Many of our clients have budgets for these folks. Does the lady responsible for Doug the Pug get paid by Netflix to produce videos promoting its original series Stranger Things? Probably. And that’s fine. What’s not fine is when the lines become blurred between Influencers and Traditional Journalists.

One of the inspirations for this post came this past holiday season when my team responded to a HARO query from a Buzzfeed Contributor. The Contributor was looking for best-in-show products for his 2017 Holiday Gift Guide roundup. One of my PR Coordinators responded to his query and was excited when she received the news that yes, Buzzfeed would feature our client in the gift guide pending a product sample. Done and done. When the article went live, it was indeed on Buzzfeed and was the longest Gift Guide I had ever seen. The Contributor listed about 250 products grouped by category; to find our client I had to scroll continuously for five minutes. I didn’t even want to share this piece of junk coverage with our client and wasn’t surprised two days later when the Gift Guide was wiped from the Buzzfeed site altogether.

Something felt fishy so I decided to investigate this Contributor a little. That’s when I came across a Cracked.com article written by the would-be Buzzfeed Contributor titled “How I Used Fake Reviews For Tons Of Free Crap”. In it, he described in detail how he successfully scammed companies – from those on the Fortune 500 list to entrepreneurs crowdfunding their first product. And the even crazier thing is that he didn’t just scam the PR people representing these companies, he scammed legitimate media outlets into giving him a platform. Explains Brian Penny:

“I was given the latest phones, laptops, speakers, IoT tech, headphones, the finest whiskies, wines, and rums, music instruments, baby gear, jewelry, vape pens, cameras, appliances, collectibles, home furnishings, camping gear, drones, clothes, even food. Overall, I was able to sell over $3,000 worth of merchandise on eBay, and made another $2,000 on Craigslist.”

“I continued pushing the boundaries and skipped the “review” process entirely, simply collecting products into “gift guides” and other listicles. HuffPost loves listicles, and the PR people couldn’t have cared less how they were featured, as long as they got that anchor link.”

It wasn’t just products for posts either, Brian Penny also found that eager brand representatives would pay him to simply post pre-written articles on his HuffPost contributor platform without lifting a finger or changing a word.

“I responded to a handful of offers explaining that I would happily post an article on HuffPost, but it had to be written for me, and I wouldn’t do it for less than $150.”

To my surprise, one very eager SEO consultant responded with several articles written and ready to post. I ran with it and put out feelers for more, gradually increasing my asking price each time to $200, $250, $300. By the end of one month, I was making $500 a pop to post articles I had nothing to do with. I did about a dozen of these articles in total, and made about $4,000 in 90 days. The articles were well-written, so the interns on the {HuffPost) blog team had no reason to question why a guy who’d previously blogged about whistleblowing was writing articles about Blake Shelton’s Pepsi concert series, artificial grass, or VOIP phone services.”

It turns out that Brian Penny isn’t the only imposter, he’s just loud and proud. The Outline published a full investigation describing how brands secretly buy their way into Forbes, Fast Company and HuffPost. Author Jon Christian writes:

“People involved with the payoffs are extremely reluctant to discuss them, but four contributing writers to prominent publications including Mashable, Inc, Business Insider, and Entrepreneur told me they have personally accepted payments in exchange for weaving promotional references to brands into their work on those sites.”

This practice is not only misleading and illegal but it discredits distinguished publications that employ award-winning journalists. It also further threatens the entire media landscape in the era of ‘fake news’. These top tier publications don’t hesitate to take swift action against people on their staff who are caught accepting payment for coverage. Jason Feifer, editor in chief of Entrepreneur, was quoted in an email to The Outline stating:

“We have a zero-tolerance policy for this kind of thing, our writer’s guidelines strictly prohibit it, and we take swift action. In the past, when alerted to people selling access on our site, I’ve even gone the extra step of alerting editors at other publications where that person writes, so that these bad actors have nowhere else to go. We value our readers’ trust above all, and will always work to ensure that they’re getting unbiased information from people who have their best interests in mind.”

As PR professionals we too, should hold ourselves to the same standards as our editorial contacts are held. If someone at a reputable publication requests payment for posts, we should report that person. It’s also our job to know the difference between a self-employed influencer who can accept payment and a writer who is bound by his or her journalistic integrity to report objectively to the public.

Lastly, we’re human and we’re extremely busy. We tend to trust queries distributed through HARO ( the e-newsletter service owned by leading PR software platform Cison) and we also trust that a writer for Buzzfeed or Fast Company has been vetted by the editor at said publication. My goal in writing this is to bring some awareness to an opaque practice that is bad for business and encourage readers to put in some due diligence (at the very least a quick Google search never hurts). After all, our clients’ are trusting us to be the stewards of their brands. At the end of the day, I’m a huge proponent of the PR industry adapting and embracing new mediums for targeted, effective brand exposure but hopefully not at the expense of the credibility of traditional journalism.


Anyone can successfully pitch a guest for a broadcast segment! Learn how…

One of the highlights of our job is working with experts from all walks of life. Experts in retail, experts on the art of building an app without knowing how to code, experts on predicting the future, the list marches on.

One of our experts is a life coach who deals in the art of personal transformation. Dr.Karin Luise helps her clients dig themselves out of those ruts we tend to find ourselves in once in awhile over the course of life’s adventures. And she is goooood. As someone with her own regional talk show, our team knew we had to showcase her strengths and get her on-air as much as possible. We decided to build her PR campaign around a regional morning show broadcast tour in a variety of networks in cities spanning the country.

So far we’ve built guest segments for our expert on over 10 shows including: Great Day Washington, NBC Roanoake, Talk of Alabama, Hallmark’s Home and Family, Houston Life, Let’s Talk Live in DC, Fox 4 Dallas, AZ Family and more in Georgia, Ohio, New York, Myrtle Beach.

Great, but how did we do it? Here’s five quick, easy and effective tips when building a campaign around guest segments:

  • When reaching out with your pitch, after explaining why your guest would be a great fit for their audience, offer to work with the producer or host to build out the segment. This allows you to have creative control on behalf of your client and helps out a busy producer by taking the work off their plate.
  • Broadcast pitching is often timely. We recently took the angle of ‘spring cleaning your self-care routine’ when pitching our potential guest. Right away it helps us build a theme from the idea of spring cleaning that is timely and relevant.
  • Include clips of your client doing previous on-air interviews or speaking at a conference; send broll if you have it. If you or your client have never done a morning show before, provide clips of a Facebook Live talk or a highly engaging Instagram video. Producers want to get a feel of how potential guests will appear on the screen.
  • Beware network rivalries. Don’t pitch the Today Show by sending a clip of your client on Good Morning America. In the same token, if you are pitching ABC’s regional morning show in Dallas, don’t send a clip of your client on Fox Dallas because they are directly competing for audience share. You can however send ABC Dallas a clip of your client as a guest on Fox in another region.
  • One trick of the trade when pitching a national guest segment, the whale of all broadcast opps: do send clips of regional affiliates when pitching national morning shows. For example when pitching Today, do send your clips of your client or yourself on regional NBC morning shows. This strategy works wonders!

The difference between a Publicist and a PR Professional

I had a call the other day with a leader in an emerging industry, one set to legalize in a few months 🙂 and she asked me an excellent question as we went over the ins and outs of building her thought leadership campaign: what is the difference between a PR Professional and a Publicist?

Perhaps, surprisingly we don’t get this question very often. Usually it’s more along the lines of “what is PR?” “How is it different from advertising?” “Why is this not newsworthy?” My response to her was brief: a publicist works with someone who already has a achieved some notoriety whether it’s Doug the Pug or a celebrity. Unlike PR Pros representing brands or thought leaders, a publicist isn’t normally tasked with stalking media to make their pitch, they are more in the business of shielding their famous client from being stalked by very interested media. They are in the business of killing stories; giving their clients the heads up if a negative story is set to break or if someone from their past is writing a tell-all book. Potentially, if the celebrity happens to be outspoken, opinionated, intoxicated (you get the picture) Publicists get to do a lot of media training and crisis management as well.
While I’ve never actually worked as a publicist in my prestigious and storied career, I have worked alongside them on behalf of brands; even more so now with the rise of the influencer. One of my first opportunities to work with a publicist occurred back in 2008. I had a client whom manufactured longboards and made a stick to ‘land paddle’ with (think SUP but on pavement). They wanted a super fit celebrity to basically validate the new sport category they created. So, I called Matthew Mcconaughey’s publicist. Just googled her and called her right up. I explained a little about the the sport – it helped that SUP was really starting to take off – and she casually said “yeah, sure, send it over to me and I’ll make sure he gets it.” Fast forward a couple days and sure enough there was Matthew Mcconaughey on TMZ land paddling shirtless. Then all the celebrity focused weeklies and online blogs followed suit! I still feel pure love for that publicist.
In the future I wouldn’t be surprised if the lines between the two professions didn’t blur as our Instagram Famous society makes celebrities out of cats with eyebrows and the adorable little Evan from EvanTube (um, 3 billion channels views?! – I bet this kid not only has a publicist but is also hit up by PR Pros daily)

Social Enterprise Public Relations: How To Get Noticed By Busy Media & Measure ROI

I had the privilege of writing the following post for REDFworkshop:

Building PR momentum in a way that is both effective and manageable should be at the top of every social enterprise’s sales and marketing agenda. Not only is editorial coverage free, it also lends unmatched credibility to a brand’s cause while activating its target audience(s).

Keep in mind top tier media and national bloggers get thousands of emails a day (not an exaggeration!) They often have tight deadlines and don’t respond to the first pitch. The good news is that reporters are always looking for a great story to share; one which will resonate with their audience and editors alike. Read below for tips on how to stand out from your competitors and maximize earned media with a small team and budget.

Pitch writing and a ‘call to action’

When it comes to “pitching” reporters, your story is your biggest asset. Given your combined social/consumer mission, you are already way more interesting than a typical product. When introducing your social enterprise to a reporter via email, start with a couple sentences describing what the enterprise does and who it serves. Consider the introduction your 15 second elevator pitch. Expand in the second paragraph with examples of problems you solve and highlight the quality of product/service which makes up your business model. If applicable, bullet a few data points/statistics which highlight the growth trends of your enterprise, program successes and number of people served. Wrap up your pitch with a call to action. This is the most important part, don’t be afraid to ask for a profile, quick call or a product review. That is, after all, why you’re reaching out. Remember – attention spans are short and reporters are usually on deadline, so keep it short, snappy, and compelling.

Know who to pitch

While our firm uses an extensive (and expensive) media database called Cision, your team can easily build a media list for free. Start by determining the 25 – 50 or so outlets you think best reach your target audience, and then go to each site and find the writer that seems to be the best fit for your product/service. If you can’t find his/her email, connect with the writer on LinkedIn or tweet @ their handle.

It’s also becoming more common mainstream media outlets to have dedicated social good columns with multiple writers: Forbes has several columnists focused in the social impact space including Devin Thorpe, MeiMei Fox and Vanessa McGrady. Same goes for Mashable, Fast Company Co.Exist, New York Times’ Prototype column and countless others. This approach takes more time but also allows you to read and reference some of the articles each contact is turning out.

Eventually, your marketing team may want to expand their media searches in a more time effective manner. I’ve rounded up a few inexpensive media databases which allow you to access the contact information for journalists interested in covering stories like the ones about your business.

  • Journalisted: a non-profit run by the Media Standards Trust, a registered charity set up to foster high standards in news on behalf of the public, and funded by donations from charitable foundations.
  • WooPitch: allows you to identify media, build and export media list and search contact details using a scaled pricing model ranging from free to $299/month.
  • ANewsTip: allows you to search for relevant media contacts by what they have written or tweeted. Pricing ranges from free to $149/month

Have a plan

Every PR firm will develop a strategy for their clients which details who they are planning to pitch and when. The firm will take into considerations time of year, holidays, client news, milestones or new product launches and break down week-to-week action items the team will execute against. Your team should do the same thing then share the plan with other facets of the business such as the social media manager and sales team.

When fleshing out your PR plan, take into consideration media timelines and editorial calendars. For example, if you manufacture consumer products and one of your goals is to be included in as many gift guides as possible, you’ll want to be aware that national print magazines work at least 6-9 months out so you’ll want to first contact the outlets’ gift guide editor in May or June. Then your team should plan to target online outlets starting October for digital gift guide inclusions.

More tricks of the trade

  • Include searchable keywords within your email pitch: often writers file story ideas while tackling their current deadlines. Many times they may not remember the name of the company but will instead search their inboxes by using keywords such as “social entrepreneur” or “LGBTQ youth”.
  • Monitor those unconventional holidays. There are national Bean day, national Mutt day and a slew of other holidays you can use to brainstorm a newsworthy initiative.
  • HARO: an acronym for Help A Reporter Out, HARO is a tool all PR firms use to receive thrice daily newsletters full of reporters and writers looking for products and sources for their articles.
  • Offer samples when possible. Many journalists require a sample to review before endorsing a product to their readers. If you offer a service, be able to put the journalist in touch with a customer or source who uses your service.
  • Assets: before sending your pitch, be sure to have the following on hand to help streamline the process:
    • High and low resolution images (product on a white background and lifestyle images)
    • High and low resolution logo
    • one-pager which includes mission, background, quick program stats
    • CEO bio and high resolution head shot
    • if budget allows have a 30 second and 60 second video as an option to include in a post or as b-roll for a segment opportunity
  • Don just blast a press release to everyone. There’s a time and a place for a press release (which could itself be another article). As mentioned before, you’re dealing with people who receive thousands of emails per day and don’t have time to read a whole press release. They want a concise, targeted pitch which immediately shows its appeal to their readership.

Measuring ROI

First and foremost, make sure you have a Google Analytics account. Google Analytics shows who’s coming to your website and what they’re doing once they get there. The potential to use Google Analytics to measure goal conversions should be a cornerstone of any business with an online presence. When building out your Google Analytics account, you should be defining all of your goals: product sales, clicks on the About us page, donations, etc
 A goal conversion assesses the impact each site visitor makes on those high-value actions. PR pros looks for the traffic spikes on days our client’s articles go live as well as at the source of the traffic. Sometimes it’s interesting to note that a smaller blogger with a highly engaged audience drives more traffic and sales than an outlet with millions of monthly readers. It’s also interesting to use Google Analytics to note which pages on your site are most popular and which aren’t’t adding value. We encourage our clients to tell us which links to their site they see value in sharing with media. For example, in a product review it makes sense to share the shop now page rather than the homepage. I could write 10 more articles on ways data can streamline and strengthen the PR process but this should suffice as a jumping off point. For more on PR ROI check out these additional creative and simple tips.

Lastly, for those of you looking to hire a PR firm or an in-house media relations specialist, start by checking out these intuitive questions put to us by the Marketing team at New Moms/Bright Endeavors. These questions should not only help you understand the process, but they can be used as a navigational tool when deciding which firm is best for your social enterprise.

Happy pitching!

Q1 is for Coverage

It’s hard to believe it’s almost tax time for 2017 as I type this. Where has the quarter gone? Our team’s been busy securing phenomenal coverage for our amazing clients and it’s always fun to pause for a minute, reflect and share.

Baby Gourmet: Latin Moms Tips, Emmet’s ABC, Clean, Green & Sprouted

Bright Endeavors: Forbes, BeautyNewsNYC, Hippie and Heart, Caravan Style Studio, Simply Annie, Chic Metro Magazine, Across the Avenue, Posh Beauty Blog, Daily Mom, Sugarly, My Style Spot, Shabby Chic Boho, Beauty Style Watch

Cinemizer: Forbes, Oscar Liang, A Luxury Travel blog

Go Gourmet: Runner’s World Magazine, Everything Changes, SnackDot’s Youtube, Hula Hooping Mom, New and Natural Mom, OC Register Family, Montgomery County Moms 

Lindy & Co: Pet Age Magazine, Fido Friendly

Micro Drone 3.0: HuffPost, The Gear Junkie

Mile High Workshop: Forbes.com

PilotsFriend: City Palate Magazine, Skies Magazine, Plenty Magazine, Le Spark, Her Modern Canvas, almostfamous, Carlivh.com, eating is the hard part

RecycleForce: Your Mark on the World

Women’s Bean Project: Weight Watchers Magazine (March print issue), Spry Living Magazine (Feb print issue), Eco18.com, Parade.com, Chicago Tribune

3 Simple Tips for (Creatively) Measuring PR ROI


Whenever I see a headline offering to help measure PR ROI for clients, I get really excited and hope to learn something useful on such an elusive topic. To be able to quantify the work we do for clients in a real way would be extremely rewarding to the media relations discipline at large.

In the past, firm data has been largely absent with many PR pros showing clients what an ad buy (or Advertising Value Equivalent) would cost in the same outlet the client’s brand was featured in. While showing clients how expensive advertising in top tier media is (vs. paying a PR firm a monthly retainer to get inclusion for free in multiple outlets) indeed eye-opening, it’s not the same as showing how many eyes see the August issue of say, Shape Magazine, or the viewership of a specifc segment on Good Morning America. Comparing PR to the cost of advertising also isn’t an indicator of sales potential. If a brand’s $20,000 bicycle gets a mention in Shape Magazine and the ad value of the mention is $336,700*, it’s a pointless effort if the price range is out of reach for Shape’s readership.

So have we made strides in measuring PR ROI? Unfortunately where posts on measurement are concerned, the headline usually ends up being the most interesting part of – I’ll be honest – the fluff piece that follows. By fluff piece I mean the article is vague stating tips such as ‘you should measure coverage impact on a brand’ without sharing insights on how to do it. At Remark, we try and take an imperfect science and simplify the process of quantifying our media and social reach on behalf of our client’s brands. Below are three specific ways Remark measures ROI:

  • Media Relations: In addition to overall unique monthly views (UMV) across an outlet, increasingly bloggers and digital media sites will often have number of reads, reach or shares on each article. When we receive coverage, It’s always interesting to take the number of reads from a specific post and compare to our clients’ resulting Google Analytics report to show how much traffic each piece drives to their site. From here PR pro’s can easily calculate the conversion rate from the number of shares or reads the article has garnered overall, coupled with it’s outlet’s listed monthly reach and finally compared to a brand’s site traction per outlet. We recommend cherrypicking a few media hits weekly to see which hits are driving the most traffic. Then figure out if the spikes in traffic are also correlating into spikes in sales and/or customer acquisition through app downloads. Interestingly, many of our clients report spikes similar to national coverage resulting from posts by smaller outlets with hyper-engaged audiences. Here the writer has devoted time testing the product or service, taking his or her own photography and videos to accompany the post and sometimes even introduces a use case for the product our client had never considered before. Not only does Remark often recycle these blogger insights into new pitches, we also tend to treat these folks like ambassadors, offering first looks at upcoming launches and news.
  • Media Contests: Ah. The popular sister to any media review. If our client can spare product, we encourage giveaways as often as possible to pump up excitement and interaction from their target audience. After the contest ends, many bloggers will send over a recap of total engagement but you can also see how many entries a contest garnered and check out the comment thread by revisiting the post once the contest wraps. For example, one of our Consumer Product clients makes snacks for school-aged kids and is very generous about participating in blogger run contests. For the price of between $25 – $50 worth of snack prizes we can easily accumulate upwards of one thousand participants, each of whom increase their chances of winning by tweeting, pinning, sharing on FB, Google+, Instagram and commenting on the thread below the post… you get the point. During the contest’s run we ask the brand’s social team to track each channel and let us know if they also see a spike in followers and fans and overall activity on those platforms.
  • Survey through Social Media: Just ask! We encourage established clients to put their social networks to work and a great first step is simply asking their fans and followers how they found out about the product/service/company. If the client can incentivize the audience by randomly rewarding a couple respondents with said product/service, there’s an even better chance at increasing feedback and engagement. And what better way to focus PR efforts than in the very places our clients gain the majority of customers. Going deeper into surveying an engaged audience, we encourage our clients to take quarterly polls of their fans, asking questions which help with say, R&D, and then we take the responses and turn them into infographics to share with media or brand studies to share with buyers. Using our snack client again as an example, we may ask their 30,000 Facebook fans how they ensure kids eat healthy while at school or how they pick snacks to include in lunch boxes. Then we distill the responses down into the top five or so categories and post these in infographic form back to our channels and provide them to the media as assets. The sales team can use these while calling on purchasers at supermarkets.

These are just a few examples on how we simplify a complicated and debated and surprisingly creative topic. Our team is constantly on the search for new best practice insights, so please, share your PR measurement strategies and exciting new technologies we may not have heard of. We look forward to being inspired.
*reference is from CisionPoint media database

Social entrepreneurs, taglines and reflection

At Remark we realize how lucky we are to do the work we love with inspirational clients and thought leaders in one of the greatest cities in the world. Recently our team was asked by Ardice Farrow, founder and director of NET Effects, to help come up with a remarkable (see what we did here?!) tagline for her company. NET Effects, is built on championing disenfranchised women in Cambodia – employing and training women who have been disfigured by land mines, blinded and are hearing impaired – and paying them a fair wage to create beautiful bags and totes. In fact every 15-20 pieces sold in U.S. provides fair wage for one month for a woman in Cambodia.

The branding assignment got us thinking: how do we succinctly convey what NET Effects stands for? Do we focus on the fact that the brand provides a net to a family in need with every sale? Do we focus on the women creating the beautiful accessories who have lived hard lives and are prospering because of conscious consumerism? Do we take the zero waste angle because NET Effects repurposes remnants and end pieces of agricultural and industrial netting for their bags?

This exercise resulted in a healthy dose of reflection. We’ve always believed in the importance of giving back. Remark has worked with many deserving clients on a pro-bono basis and felt especially fortunate we are able to do so. More importantly we get to work with clients who are truly leaving the world a better place.

We are fueled knowing our success will help sell bags and ultimately allow Ardice and NET Effects to hire and train more women in Cambodia and supply nets to reduce the spread of disease to families around the world. And that is something our team can be proud of.